Needed to whip up a quick gift for someone who loves Barbies!! I found this cute, easy to put on, sweater dress pattern from
crochet for Barbie and decided to give it a whirl.
I just grabbed a small leftover ball of yarn from my basket and started crocheting away. My yarn was a little heavier than the recommended yarn choice but, hey, living in the north where winter has been very cold this year, I thought Barbie needed to be dressed a little warmer!! My biggest concern was that I wanted it to be easy to put on and take off for the little girl who was receiving this present.

This little dress did meet that requirement so I continued making it. I actually worked up a simple little ballet slipper as an accessory for the doll too and attached a pretty silk rose to the toe.

The gift was a hit so I’m sure I will now be expanding my crochet to include Barbie and her friends 🙂
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