Tag Archive | craft journals

Journaling – An Important Keepsake

Journaling is one of those little things in our busy lives that can sometimes be overlooked.   Yet, it can provide so much information about yourself , your projects and it can be a great teaching tool for young sewers/crafters.  It is a super way to keep yourself organized!!

Fun idea for a crafter's journal!!

Fun idea for a crafter’s journal!!

It is never too late to begin keeping a journal of the different projects you have completed or are working on or have stashed away in a plastic bin waiting for the right moment to pull it out and start anew.  Check out these other nifty ideas for a crafter’s journal!!

A simple composition book is a great way to keep a record of your projects or print out pages from the computer using a unique font and maybe some clip art to give your pages personality.  Slipping your pages inside a clear plastic protective cover sheet will keep them in good shape and then place inside a 3-ring binder.   Some examples to include on your page would be:

NAME OF PROJECT – Sweater for Uncle Joe

MATERIALS USED – I like to save the wrapper from a skein a yarn and staple it to my page showing all the necessary info, type/yardage of yarn, dye lot, laundry instructions, etc.   Saving a small fabric swatch or yarn sample makes for easy future reference.

PLACE WHERE YOU PURCHASED MATERIALS – List a website if you purchased on-line or the name of the store you got your supplies from.

COMPLETION DATE – State your name and the month/year of when your project was done.  Or show that it is Still In Progress!!

NEEDLES and/or HOOK SIZES – Again, great for future reference.

PATTERN INSTRUCTIONS – List the website if you used a pattern from an on-line source.  If a sewing pattern, state the pattern name and number.

SIZE INFORMATION – What size did you use for your project.

PERSONAL NOTES – Show what your liked or disliked about the pattern.  Would you want to make it again or was once enough!!

Adding a picture to your journal page is always a nice touch.  Fun to look back and see how one has improved their skill level within a certain craft or just enjoy the memories of what you have accomplished and/or are still working on.

Journaling is a great way to share and pass on what has taken place within someone’s life.  A wonderful keepsake to treasure and reflect upon.


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