Here are some suggestions and ideas for you to help your child make a very Special Valentine’s Day card. You probably have everything in your sewing stash already or you can find it within your home.

In my picture, I used a 8 1/2″ x 11″ card stock for the card but a white piece of printer paper or construction paper would do nicely. Even a paper bag could be cut up to use for a card. Fold your paper in half to form your card. Draw a heart on a piece of felt or wool scrap, something that doesn’t fray and have them cut it out. Decorate your heart with buttons, ribbon, lace, whatever you on hand. If using all paper materials, be sure to use markers and/or crayons to add color and texture. Paper doilies are a fun item to decorate a card with too. If you are really brave, glitter glue is something all children LOVE but can be on the messy side.
If using buttons with a shank, cut it off with a shank remover so your little ones can glue them onto your felt heart. Or maybe your child is old enough that they can use a needle and thread. Sew on your buttons with different colored threads or use DMC floss/crochet thread and tie the buttons onto your heart.
Glue eyelet trim or lace behind the heart to make it frilly looking. Ribbon always adds a nice touch too. Make little bows or paper punch holes in your heart and weave the ribbon through the holes for another type of look.
Repurposing items work nicely for an activity of this nature. You could even cut out your heart from an old pair of jeans. Let some of the fraying effect give a shabby chic look to your card.
Check out the pantry too for items, like elbow macaroni that could be glued to the front of your card. Or trace a heart onto your card and glue dried red beans or navy beans to form the shape of the heart.
Make sure they sign the inside of the card and date it. A simple I Love You or just their name is all that is needed. This card will be a treasure to the person receiving it!! No envelope needed for this one-of-a-kind card.
The best gift here is the time you spend with your little ones and the smile that will be on their face when they give their “special” card away. 🙂
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