Sewing Pajamas for Christmas Eve

I have made new pajamas every Christmas for my daughters, which has become a tradition and one that can easily be passed on.

Sometimes I buy a new pajama pattern or if I have a pattern with different views, I sew a style I haven’t made.  If reusing a pattern, it is easy to adjust a pajama pattern if you need to add length for growth.  You will find add length lines on the pattern pieces, cut along these lines and spread your pieces apart the 1 or 2 inches that you might need.  Just make sure you use a tape measure so that your pattern pieces are evenly spaced for the length adjustments. The pattern directions will also explain how to lengthen or shorten your pattern pieces.

I like to use flannel when making pajamas.  Washes and dries wonderfully, soft and cozy for sleeping and lots of different colors and patterns to choose from.  I always purchase about a half yard and sometimes a yard more than the pattern calls for to allow for shrinkage (I always pre-wash my fabrics) and fabric doesn’t always come in 44″-45″ wide.  Most often the fabric is only 40″-42″ wide but the yardage requirements on the pattern itself are always for the 44″-45″ measurement.  You can always create something from the left over fabric but very disappointing and frustrating to not have enough!

Adding embellishments is the fun part.  Adding unique buttons, sew some fun lace along gown bottom edge or sleeve edge or even along the top edge of a pocket, make ribbon bows and add them along the neck line, embellish with yo-yos, or maybe a special appliqué like an initial on a pocket front to personalize the pajamas!

For me the best part was allowing my daughters to open their special pajamas on Christmas Eve, sending them off to bed wearing new cozy pjs with visions of sugar plums and knowing how cute they would look for the next morning pictures!!

  • TIP:   Refer to “My Favorite Things” for different on-line fabric stores that carry a wide variety of flannel fabric.


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Super Simple Crochet Thanksgiving Napkin Ring

For this Thanksgiving napkin ring, I used a size 3 crochet thread with an F hook for the actual ring portion and used Sugar ‘n Cream size 4 cotton yarn with a G hook  for the actual pumpkin design and stem.  By doing this, it made the pumpkin the focal point.  It also gave me a rustic looking design.



For the ring portion directions, refer to the HDC napkin ring design that I posted earlier making sure you leave yourself about a 10″ yarn tail to use to attach your pumpkin design.  Here are the directions for the pumpkin and stem:

CH, SC and DC stitches are used.  Begin by doing the “magic loop” with 8 SC within the circle, join with a SL stitch to beginning SC.

Round 2:  CH 2, then complete 2 DC within each SC,  join with SL in top of 2nd CH.  You now have 16 DC stitches.

Round 3:  CH 1, complete 1 SC in first DC stitch, complete 2 SC in next DC stitch, complete 1 SC in next DC stitch, complete 2 SC in next DC stitch, continue this pattern around and SL into top of beginning CH 1 stitch.  You should have 24 stitches.  Change colors.

Round 4:  CH 1, complete 4 SC in next 4 stitches, CH 1 turn.

Round 5:  Complete 1 SC, do 1 SC decrease, complete 1 SC, CH 1 turn.

Round 6:  Complete 1 SC decrease, complete 1 SC.  Fasten off.

Weave in your ends and prepare to attach your pumpkin to your napkin ring.  Thread the tail that you left on the napkin ring and using your darning needle, sew the pumpkin design onto the napkin ring.

IMPORTANT:  Keep in mind your placement direction of the pumpkin, do you want it to face horizontally with the napkin as in my picture or do you want the napkin ring to lay vertically.

These little pumpkins make up quickly and really add a personal touch to your dinner table.  Enjoy!!


TIP:  Feel free to use a finished design for your own personal use or make them to sell.  However, I asked that you not sell my patterns but would greatly appreciate it if you sell a completed design to give recognition by referencing this blog site.  Thank you!!

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Donating Hats and/or Mittens for Children

One of my favorite web communities is called Craftsy and at the present time they are hosting a donation program for keeping homeless and/or less fortunate children warm this winter.  They have set a goal of 10,000 items to be donated for this program from November through January.  Your donation can be a new item or handmade.

Quick ‘n Cozy Winter Beanie with the Scalloped Scarf

They are looking for hats, mittens, scarves, etc.  Feel free to use my quick ‘n cozy crochet beanie pattern if you want to donate a handmade item.  Also, on the Craftsy website they have two (2) free patterns available to make for this donation drive.

Send your donations to:


Attn:  Keep Out The Cold

2150 West 29th Avenue, 4th floor

Denver, CO  80211

Just wanted to pass on this information and hope you can add your donation to this cause.  Click on the word Craftsy and it will take you directly to their site for more details.


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Ideas for a Christmas “Wish” List

I know with the upcoming holidays just around the corner, things at home can get rather “hectic”.  Especially, if you are like me, and do a lot of handmade gift items.

But sit down now with a lovely cup of tea or coffee, use one of your special cups and saucers and design a crafting “wish” list to give to your hubby, children, boyfriend, mother, mother-in-law, girlfriends, etc.

While you are inhaling the sweet aromas from your drink and maybe nibbling on a Christmas cookie, think of some of the sewing, crocheting, quilting, cross-stitching, knitting (the list goes on) accessories that you have seen throughout the year and would love to own.  You know, those one-of-a kind knitting needles or a crochet holder for all your hooks, or extra sewing machine needles, bobbins, or, hey, maybe a new sewing machine!!   Just quickly write them down on a notepad, and be sure to scour the many catalogs you receive in the mail this time of year for additional ideas.  Be specific so your family and friends know exactly what you want.  Don’t forget to suggest gift cards and books too!!

Now head to the computer and use Microsoft word or some other type of publishing program and start making your unique “wish” list.  Type your list using a different font, put those really special items in CAPS, change the ink color or add decorative borders around your list, add cute holiday or craft pictures that you can find by searching images, get creative.  Don’t forget those all important URL addresses for those on-line items.

Once you have your list ready, you can print it out on regular white paper or use a light weight card stock whatever will work in your printer.  Divide your paper in half or fourths and make 2 lists or 4 lists per sheet of paper.  Then cut them out and give them to those special people in your life!!

In reality, this should only take about an hour or so to prepare and it will really help alleviate the stress from holiday shopping for the purchaser!!   And maybe you will get the item needed to begin a new crafting project for next year or to complete a UFO (unfinished object)!!


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