Welcome 2014

It is always an exciting moment when I hang up the new calendar welcoming in the New Year!!  For me, it is like a clean slate just begging to have something new written on it.


Already have some new fabrics and yarns just waiting to be designed into wonderful new projects!!  Purchased a new raspberry blaze color of hand dyed, sock weight yarn by Dream, dreamincoloryarn.com, called “smooshy”.  Now who just wouldn’t want a smooshy in their yarn stash.  It is a merino wool, cashmere and nylon blend and very, very squishy soft.  Haven’t decided what I am going to make with it just yet but I know whatever it is will be scrumptious.

Also, picked up a Malabrigo yarn that will be perfect for a warm winter cowl.  And, of course, several new cotton fabrics that will be made into totes and whatever else I might decide to sew.


I hope your New Year starts off with some smooshy yarns and wonderful textiles just waiting to be designed into your something special item.  I want to “Thank” everyone who has visited my blog and I look forward to this coming year with new ideas, discussions and designs.  If you have something in particular that you want me to talk about, please let me know your questions, thoughts, and/or ideas.  Always another way to stir up those creative juices and, hopefully, give insight to new and old techniques.


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Crochet Scarf and Beret

Completed the Tunisian crochet scarf and had a little yarn left (used 2 skeins for both items) so I came up my version of a little beret style beanie to make a nice gift set.SONY DSC

I just crochet the beanie (using a Size K hook) following the directions in my pattern.  Because I was using a chunky (5) weight yarn, I only completed 4 increase rows and then did 3 rows only of the double crochet (dc) stitches with no increases for a total of 7 rows.

Changed yarn, did 1 row of single crochet (sc), then did 1 row of : * 3 SC in next 3 stitches,   then in next stitch 2 SC Tog,  4 SC in next 4 stitches,  then 2 SC Tog, repeat from * around ending with 2 SC Tog.   This might not end perfectly even, last couple of stitches might be 2 SC then 2 SC Tog.  Made this last night and, unfortunately, was not writing all my instructions down.  🙁   Really doesn’t have to be exact, just want to have some decreases scattered around to create a somewhat puffy look.  SONY DSC

Now I just finished off with 3 more rows of SC and last row of just slip stitches (SL) and then fastened off.



This crochet set was made for a 3-year-old and I know she will look soooo very cute when wearing everything!!  Hope you will give it a try.  🙂


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Tunisian Crochet

I have just rediscovered this crochet technique and am making some very nice warm scarves using the Tunisian simple stitch or the Crochet Afghan stitch.  I had made a baby blanket many moons ago for a friend of mine when we were all in that stage of our lives.  I remember it turning out really, really cute but never found another pattern and the hook just went to the bottom of my crochet bag never to see the light of day until recently.


I read a blog about how to do the Tunisian simple stitch on one of my favorite sites, Miss Abigail’s Hope Chest, and remembered the blanket and thought it might be a good stitch to create some warm scarves to give as Christmas gifts.   The one thing that I really like about the stitch is that it is like a waffle/woven design and you kind of get a double thickness with your finished project.

You just have to learn to hold your hook a little differently.  I did find my original size J hook after much rummaging around.  It is about 10″ long with a built-in stopper at one end and the crochet hook at the other end.  I use an overhand grip with my right hand, hold the work with my left, and when making my stitches I hold the hook sort of loosely so that I can rotate it within the palm of my hand.  It was a little awkward at first but within a couple of rows a rhythm of slightly spinning the hook as you make your stitches came naturally.

The pattern is basically yarning over through vertical stitches, keeping all your stitches on the needle, DO NOT TURN, and then coming back through those stitches by yarning over and going through 2 loops on the needle so at the end of that row you only have one loop on the hook.  Then repeat those two rows again and again.







I want to explore more about this technique and learn different stitches but for now I am really liking how my scarves are turning out crocheting the Tunisian simple stitch.  In my examples, I have used a chunky weight yarn, bulky 5, and I will probably use about 150 yards of yarn to get the length that I want.  I always like to be able to double my scarf to form a loop and pull the other end through.

If you haven’t tried this stitch, give it a whirl and share your projects!!  Love to see what everyone is doing out there in that great big Crochet world  🙂


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Crochet Pumpkin Explosion!!

Been busy crocheting pumpkins for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and here is what I have created!!  Check out my cute leaf pattern and curly Q design 🙂


Have thoroughly enjoyed making these little squashes and crocheting my own pumpkin patch.


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